One Datasource Many Views
Tuesday, January 1, 1980
A GIS Is Like A Database
GIS does not store maps
GIS stores information from which maps can be made
maps are like views in a database \x96 one set of tables, many views
examples of "views"
scale - change extent of "ground" shown on the map (larger the number => smaller the scale => more the area shown => less the detail)
projection - map projections represent spherical shapes on flat surface (Mercator, Albers, Lambert)
isopleth - represent continuous area data that varies smoothly over space (contours, isohyet, isotherm, isobar, isohume)
choropleth - each spatial unit is filled with a uniform color or pattern (tax maps, density maps, land use)
GIS allows [Spatial Analyses] of mappable data
GIS manages info that can be [Spatial or Non-Spatial]